Princess Aellyn the Happy

Posted by Movie Dad On Tuesday, May 5, 2009 2 comments

Well, it has been almost 3 months since my last post about my sweet little Aellyn. These first few months have been nothing short of amazing. All the new things I have had to learn, I had to learn quickly. My wife has been reading books for months if not years. I am not saying I did not read any of these books but I am more of a hands on type of guy. Let me say first that of all the babies out there and all the new parents learning from said babies, I scored the best teacher. Aellyn has been pretty much the perfect baby. I guess a lot of it comes from being flexible to her schedule and being willing to lose a little sleep.

Month one is always graded on a curve but I think, and I hope my wife would agree, I blew that curve out of the water. I was changing diapers left and right. Getting up very early in the morning so that mommy could sleep a bit longer. Interacting with Aellyn and helping her adjust to her new world. General bliss in an otherwise daunting situation.

Month two and three were a little tougher as I entered back into the work force. My work schedule always changed from week to week because I work in retail. I did my best to adjust and I think I did well. I was still a little chilly out for walks, so we spent a lot of time making faces at each other. Now, she would randomly smile in the beginning (gas) but as month two ended and month three began, she was smiling AT ME. Every funny noise I made. Any funny face I made. She smiled AT ME. I gave her zerburts on her tummy but she only responded with a wide eyed stare into my eyes that seemed to say "Hey! Not sure what that was but quit it". Also in the third month we started taking walks. Aellyn loves to do this. She loves to stare up into the sky and take in every bit of information her tiny little brain can process. After a long walk Aellyn loves to take a bath. I have never seen a baby smile and coo so much. Her favorite part of the whole experience is floating on her back, looking up at you with a huge smile from ear to ear. She also sleeps through the night. Except for feedings. Which I sleep through as I do not posses the correct feeding apparatus.

Month four has just started and is it ever fun. Not only did I quit my job in retail hell but I got hired on as a full time male domestic engineer. Yes, that is right, my new title is Mr. MOM. The best job you could have and the toughest. I will be responsible for every aspect of this child's day. Feeding, changing, nurturing, entertaining, teaching and most of all loving. I will be doing all this while still learning, not only about my ever growing bundle of joy, but how to balance the cleaning, the laundry, the cooking and general house work. I know it will be a hard adjustment but it will be worth it. Anything to spend more time with the happiest baby in the world, Princess Aellyn.

To be continued....