My Bloody Valentine 3-D

Posted by Movie Dad On Thursday, January 22, 2009 1 comments

Back in the day when I was a wee little horror movie psycho, I rented every horror movie I could get my hands on. One of these gems happen to be My Bloody Valentine. What I remembered was a psychotic person was killing people in a mining town with a pick-axe and when the movie ends he gets away minus an arm. Fast forward about 25 + years and I purchased said movie on DVD to bask in some childhood glory gore. WOW was I a little disappointed. No gore what-so-ever. It still has that great mediocre 80's slasher flick vibe about it but not enough blood and guts to fill my tank. 

This brings me to the recently released re-make directed by Patrick Lussier (Dracula 2000). Lets start out with my favorite part, the gore. AWESOME!!! From just a few minutes in we see blood soaked walls, leg-less torsos and open chest cavities, then it gets even better. I am not into spoilers so all I will say is it over-filled my gore tank. The story followed the original loosely but had enough in common not to displease. The acting is what you would expect from a bunch of 20 somethings trying to act older and full of wisdom. Now the 3-D part. Full thumbs up and no complaints. It has to be the best 3-D movie I have seen outside of Disney World. The 3-D really showed its stuff when you were put in an environment with lots of depth. Whether it was in a house, the mines or in a grocery store. Superb. I can not give enough praise about the whole 3-D element. Oh! one more thing. MBV3-D has something the original did not, lots of  T&A courtesy of Betsy Rue. So in closing go see this movie in 3-D only, it is worth the extra couple of bucks for the blood, gore and Betsy's assests. 

A GREAT day to be an American!

Posted by Movie Dad On Tuesday, January 20, 2009 0 comments

I am sitting in my "Command Center" with a gigantic smile from ear to ear. 

I know that my first post should be about a movie considering that is why I created this blog, but today we all witnessed a great moment in history. Barack Obama, took the oath of office as our 44th President of these United States. We all wanted change and we all deserved it. 

I consider myself very patriotic. My favorite subject in school was and still is US History. I served in the US ARMY. I weep when I sing the National Anthem and I believe ALL men and women are created equal. 

It makes me ill that it has taken this long to have an African American President and it makes me furious that so many people still believe there is an inferior race and the social and economic ladder should reflect so.  We all need to do a little more to help out our neighbors and friends no matter color, race, creed or economic status. Habitat for Humanity is how I give back and I want to do more. Not only do I have hope for the future because of President Obama, I have hope for the future of my soon to be new born daughter. She will be born into a brave new world.